Research lab: Applied Electromagnetism Lab
Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 1, 56122 Pisa (PI)
DESTEC (Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Energia, dei Sistemi, del Territorio e delle Costruzioni) – Unipi

Claudia Simonelli

Msc. Electrical Engineering; PhD Candidate in Smart Industry

Born in 1993, I grew up with a strong passion for mathematics and phisics. In 2016 I obtained the Bachelor degree in Energy engineering and, in September 2019, the Master degree in Electrical engineering, both from University of Pisa. I developed my Master thesis working in the Department of Mechanical engineering at MIT in Boston. I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Smart Industry Ph.D. programme and I’m working in the Department of Electrical engineering as a researcher in applied electromagnetism.


Electromagnetic actuators, Sensors, Magnetorheological fluids, FEM modeling

Research Topic:

My research is focused on the development of electromagnetic sensors and actuators for industrial applications. My goal is to design such devices analysing the requirements that industry demands; then, I want to build them up and test them on a real industrial environment.