Laboratorio di Ricerca: Telecommunication Lab
Via Roma-56, 53100 Siena
Department of Information Engineering and Mathematical Science, DIISM, University of Siena, Italy

Dinesh Tamang

PhD Student. Smart Industry

Born in Nepal, I grew up learning about technology and developed a strong passion for telecommunications. In 2015, I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Tribhuvan University. I then pursued further studies and received a Master's degree in the same field from the University of Siena in 2020. I am currently at the verge of defending my final PHD thesis by June 2024 and working as a researcher at the University of Siena, where my research focuses on modern communication syestems, specifically 5G, 6G, and IoT, with a particular interest in Radio Access Networks (RAN) and network slicing.


Cellular networks, 5G, 6G, Low Power Technologies, IoT, Artificial Intelligence (Reinforcement Learning)

Research Topic:

My research focuses on advancing telecommunications technologies, specifically in the areas of 5G and 6G. I have a particular interest in Radio Access Networks (RAN) and network slicing. Additionally, I am exploring the application of reinforcement learning to allocate optimal resources in 5G networks, that can eventually, enhance the efficiency and capabilities of cellular network to support the increasing demand for high-speed, reliable communication.

Other Activities:

I have participated in several international conferences, workshops (NS3 workshop 2019, Florence, MSWiM2023, Ontario, RESTART 5G 2023, Rome) and summer schools in recent years.