Laboratorio di Ricerca: Advanced Robotics Lab
via Morego, 30 16163 Genova
Department of Advanced Robotics Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Central Research Labs Genova

Enrico Turco

Msc. Automation Engineering

Born the 30th of November 1988 in Vittoria (RG), Italy. I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics Engineering and Master’s Degree in Automation Engineering and Control of Complex Systems, both at University of Catania, in 2014 and 2017 respectively. Currently, I am a Ph.D. Student in Smart Industry at the University of Pisa and an Affiliated Researcher at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia where I am carrying out my research activity.


Robotics, haptics, teleoperation, human-robot interaction

Research Topic:

My research activity is mainly focused on robotic grasping in unstructured environments exploiting environmental constraints, both for autonomous operations and for teleoperation. The ultimate goal of the research is to help improve the use of manipulative robotics in real scenarios. By doing so: – study and development of control algorithms for object manipulation using soft underactuated hands; – implementation and simulation of new algorithms; – comparative benchmarking.