Research lab: 4-006
Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1 - Pisa
Department of Information Engineering (DII)

Giulio Pisaneschi

Msc. in Robotics and automation engineering, PhD student in Smart industry

Born in 1996, I grew up with an education in both scientific and humanistic cultures and a strong passion for interdisciplinary studies. I obtained the BS degree in Electronic Engineering in 2019 and the MS degree in Robotics and Automation Engineering in 2022, both from the University of Pisa. I am currently a PhD student in Smart Industry at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa.


Modelling of infectious diseases, optimal control in pandemic preparedness, behavioral epidemiology, quantum optimization of smart grids, epistemology of robotics

Research Topic:

I work on the introduction of optimal control principles in pandemic preparedness guidelines, with focus on the behavioral dimension. I also study the applicability of quantum algorithms to the problem of smart grid optimization.