Research lab: 3D Printing and Rapid Prototyping Laboratory - Electric Propulsion Laboratory
Largo Lucio Lazzarino - 56122 Pisa PI - Via Girolamo Caruso 8 - 56122 Pisa PI
Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering

Guido Giammarinaro

PhD Student

Born in 1993, I have always been a space enthusiast, with a strong fascination for mathematics and physics. I previously worked as a CAD designer in the wear part production industry. In 2021, I received my master’s degree in Space Engineering from the University of Pisa, with a thesis on the “Design of a 20 kW Magnetically Shielded Nested Hall Thruster.” Currently, I am a Ph.D. candidate in Smart Industry, focusing my research on electric propulsion and innovative manufacturing technologies.


Electric Propulsion, Hall Thrusters, Hollow Cathodes, 3D Printing, Metal/Ceramic Welding.

Research Topic:

My research work involves investigating innovative manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing and metal/ceramic welding, for electric thruster applications. The objective is to create more efficient and lighter devices, also enabling a fast-prototyping approach to the development and study of electric thrusters for spacecrafts.

Other Activities:

Currently working on the following projects: - CHEOPS – Vey High-Power Building Blocks (Horizon Europe 101082532). - High-Power Hall-Effect Thruster Prototype with Coaxial Channels (ESA TDP 20.123.01). - Optimization of extrusion-based AM for metallic and ceramic parts (PRA 2022/23).