Research lab: Systems and Robotics
Siena, Via Roma 56, Room 237
Dipartimento di Ingegnria Informatica e Sceinze Matematiche, Università degli studi di Siena

Renato Quartullo

MSc in Computer and Automation Engineering

Born in Termoli (CB), Italy, 23rd of September.1994. In December 2016 I obtained the Bachelor’s Degree in Information Engineering cum Laude from the University of Siena; the in April 2019 I obtained the MSc Degree in Computer and Automation Engineering, curricula Robotics and Automation, cum Laude from the University of Siena. I’m currently a PhD Student in Smart Industry at University of Pisa.


Aerospace Control, Control theory, Complex Dynamic Systems, Automation.

Research Topic:

My research is focused on Aerospace Control. My goal is to learn as many control techniques as possible, regarding the orbital environment in order to find suitable guidance, navigation and control techniques for the orbital maneuvers.