Laboratorio di Ricerca: Microwave Laboratory
via G. Caruso 16, 56122, Pisa, Italy
Department of Information Engineering

Alessandro Dellabate

PhD Student in Smart Industry

I was born in Bergamo in 1998, and I studied Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pisa, where I received the B.S and M.S in 2019 and 2022, respectively. I am currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in Smart Industry at the Department of Information Engineering.


Electromagnetic metamaterials, Wireless Power Transfer, Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Research Topic:

My research focuses on the analysis and development of electromagnetic metasurfaces for biomedical applications. In particular, I study the properties of conformal metasurfaces at low frequencies in order to improve performances in power transfer applications and magnetic resonance imaging by controlling and shaping the magnetic field. Additionally, I explore the applications of metasurfaces in the microwave band in order to improve imaging techniques and wireless body area network devices.