Laboratorio di Ricerca: BioLab
Via G. Caruso, 16, 56122 Pisa PI
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione (DII)

Santa Sozzi

Msc. In Biomedical Engineering - PhD Student in Smart Industry

Born in Ostuni (BR) in 1998. Driven by a passion for merging engineering with medical innovation, Santa Sozzi earned her degrees in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pisa, where she is currently a PhD student in Smart Industry. Her research interests include image analysis, medical imaging, and artificial intelligence. Through her Master’s thesis in collaboration with Esaote SpA along with a research scholarship within the European Project SENSEI, she has improved her technical expertise, particularly in unsupervised deep learning algorithms applied to ultrasound images and segmentation of neurons in microscopy images. With a multidisciplinary approach, her PhD research aims at identifying distinctive features in neurodegenerative diseases. Specifically, using high resolution 7T-fMRI and peripheral signals (e.g., pupillometry), the project focuses on developing models for brain connectivity analysis.


Bioimaging, Image & Signal Processing, Computational Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Research Topic:

My research focuses on developing computational models to perform in vivo brain functional connectivity analysis. I aim to achieve the following goals: Develop an innovative model to study the direct connectivity of the brainstem (an understudied brain region)—current work. Extend the applicability of the methodology to unhealthy subjects affected by neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Parkinson’s disease patients—after phase I. Improve the model’s reliability by integrating peripheral signals and behavioral/motor indices—concurrently and following phase II. Develop a predictive model to perform classification tasks on the progression degree of the disease—last phase

Other Activities:

Collaboration with the Dept. of Translational Research